Hello, sleepyhead. It is 14:30 here at my place, so I know it for a fact that you are definitely…
I’ve been thinking about what I should write in this second letter to you. I will have to make a…
Hi Elizabeth, It’s great to be communicating this way. I am a pretty impulsive fellow, I do stuff when I…
The radio said there would be a storm. After all the long, hot days, I thought, I could use a…
পথে যেতে যেতে দেখিলাম আমিকে যেন কাটিছে ধানকানে শুনিলাম কাটিতে কাটিতেগাহিছে মধুর গান।
Then suddenly this morning, out of the blue, a weasel informs me that I have been nominated in a ‘blogger…
অষ্টম অংশ “নীল” “There is no document of civilization that is not also a document of barbarism.” সিরিজ শুরু করার…
সপ্তম অংশ “অমানুষ” “There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said — no. But…
ষষ্ঠ অংশ “জাত-বজ্জাত” “…it is not usual, I say, for such privileged and wealthy beings to waste their time in…
পঞ্চম অংশ “ঠাট্টা” “- (He) was definitely a different kind of duck. He wore the same tattered jacket, be it…