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  • #3027
    The Lost One

    This thread is for sharing a poem, written by anyone, that you read, which you found to be beautiful and-you get it, somehow. It could be something that resonates with you, like people hold a special place in their hearts for a book, a certain book, that is a proper noun in their lives. Except this time, its a poem.
    (Also, for anyone trying to read classical poetry, I found The Golden Lyre- an anthology of such poems-to be a great place to start. Off-topic, a bit, but just a general thing that popped into my head )
    As for my answer to this thread, of a poem with a special meaning in my life, I will answer it in another post in this very thread, later.
    If you feel there are multiple such poems for you, and you can’t recall all, then share as and when you recall which one, and you can totally share several.


    I have posted this in my blog, but I’ll post it here too. For it’s inherent meaning, if any one relates it to something or is able to connect to it somehow, let me know. I, for still don’t know it’s actually purpose but its existence.

    It goes like this:

    “No real change in history has been achieved by discussions”,

    Bear no fruit, no flower has without pollination

    Easy as the thought, truth is far from reality
    At one corner of the world,
    circumstances are lost and found Whereas people are well slept and sound

    Dedication is no reason for ignorance,
    Singularity is not so easy to at glance,
    Strive for the best, they say
    Tell us where to start

    Complexity is no excuse for toxicity
    I’m no one to tell you this, but to one of you and you alone
    Reflections of passion,
    But take the measure to create such a world of liberty

    Compress your thoughts to make way for more,
    Oh, don’t be now, so sore
    The world is a vast sea which gives Us such glimpses of eternity

    The Lost One

    That is weirdly wonderful and wonderfully weird.



    BEYOND the East the sunrise, beyond the West the sea,
    And East and West the wander-thirst that will not let me be;
    It works in me like madness, dear, to bid me say good-bye;
    For the seas call, and the stars call, and oh! the call of the sky!

    I know not where the white road runs, nor what the blue hills are;
    But a man can have the sun for a friend, and for his guide a star;
    And there’s no end of voyaging when once the voice is heard,
    For the rivers call, and the roads call, and oh! the call of the bird!

    Yonder the long horizon lies, and there by night and day
    The old ships draw to home again, the young ships sail away;
    And come I may, but go I must, and, if men ask you why,
    You may put the blame on the stars and the sun and the white road and the sky.

    Gerald Gould



    The Lost One

    It is not true
    That friendship is a common bloom to pluck at will.
    If I knew
    Within what valley or wood, or what plain or hill
    Such blossom grew
    I should be free-that flower would pluck me from all ill.
    -JA Chadwick

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