This sunriseThis grass stalkFree from barbsShould have been
Love is all around us, darlingLove is in the airIf you know just how to look, thenLove is always there.
Love is all around us, darlingLove is in the airIf you know just where to look, thenLove is always there.
The sky has gone to sleep, it’s evening.Thorn trees on the fieldStand covered in dust, clumps of shadowsAt their roots…
You fieldI grassYou goldI brass
তুমি আছআমি আছিআমি মশাতুমি মাছি
A setting sky of farewell rays,A lonesome friendly star.A heart that ages like sweet wine,A home that’s never far.
1 So why, wild Sky,Have your eyes called Why kept me sleepless through this night
ওরে ওটাং ওরে ওটাং কোথায় যাস রে তুইকেন রে তুই করিস না চাষ গোলাপ টগর যুঁইখাস না কেন নাক্সভমিকা যাস…
Singular, I rose Denying the walls,Defying the sun,