You Jump, I jump….

We all loved this movie (Titanic). As I was typing the previous line, I suddenly realized the issue of beginning a sentence with so much certitude. How can I claim on behalf of all? How am I sure everyone watched this movie? In my idea of “all” are only those people included who can afford a movie ticket or a tv or a laptop; what about those who cannot afford one. If I would have understood this line ( You jump, I jump); I would not have made such a mistake.
Love; the purest of love sets us free (or as they say, and I hope). I still see I am encaged in my world of privilege and am distant from the purest idea of love as Godi ji is from the truth. And the awareness about my own privilege is itself shallow. But it is a beginning, and all forays into depth start with shallow understandings. Hence, I will take this shallow understanding for now, and start my journey.

When I started to write this piece, it was supposed to be about you, how much I pine for you and all. I would have written nothing new which has not been written before. Mediocre lovers like me are deluded into believing that writing makes them great lovers. But does it? I had your thoughts on my mind, and I wanted to write – you, but guess when I started to write about you my love, you eluded me even in my thoughts. Maybe you elude me only to give me a chase that will make me travel to new thoughts, a chase that widens my soul. In this way, your love feeds me more than my love could ever feed you.

Coming back to privilege, a man like me can undertake a fast to understand how hunger feels like, but he will never understand the pain of hunger that millions face. The difference is choice, the difference is – privilege. And today, I know I do not need to understand the humiliation of hunger that people on the margins experience. I just have to become a medium so that one person sleeps less hungry. Love is making someone less hungry like your love always make me less hungry.

Our (the humankind) fates are intertwined, and even for the people we do not know or have met if they fall, we fall too. You ( not you, but anyone) fall, I fall too, today in a world where sustainable development and climate change is the buzzword, the fact that one fails is a collective failure should sink deeper into us. In love you jump, and I jump has been said and understood, the earth needs – you fail, I fail too, and on this new year let this message not float on the surface, let’s start that journey to take it deeper.

2 thoughts on “You Jump, I jump….”

  1. It is incomprehensible for me to image that the truth can be so soothing to read without losing cohesive texture that all great pieces of writing demand. Subtle humour and relatable everyday examples in between unfolding serious philosophical infections does not let readers like me become serious. This is no ordinary fiat for any writer to pull. For I must say thank you for reiterating that small is beautiful – and being ordinary and devoid of pretensions is what is truly extra ordinary. Beautiful writing!

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